I was late on posting this, so I felt the need to put up something extra special. This is trailer cut together from The Shining, the Jack Nicholson version, that makes it look like a romantic comedy or possibly a movie in which characters "find themselves." Awesome.
Friday, September 30, 2005
Shining Trailer - Recut
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Cool site where bands compete to write a song based on a title provided by the site. Pretty cool songs get generated here. Worth a listen! For some reason, I can't upload images, so I'll have to put a pic up for this one later.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Tickets - The Movie
25 minute short film produced by personal friends and funky dancers Chad Rainey and Jeremy White. One day they will be juggernauts in the entertainment industry and they'll release it on DVD as early work to make a quick buck. Right now, though, it's free to watch on this site. Updates are promised soon. If you don't seen any, write them and complain.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
iPod's Dirty Secret
A customer upset about a flaw in the iPod sets out to inform the public using Apple's own advertising and a stencil. Pretty cool!
Monday, September 26, 2005
Here's a cool site where you can draw your own flipbooks, frame by frame, and then watch them played back. Tons of fun. One of the handiest things is that the previous frames are onion-skinned as you are working, so you can like up your new frames. Just a note, since these are all user-created, about every third one is not work safe.
Friday, September 23, 2005
Weather Wars - Katrina
Hurricane Katrine was one of the worst natural disasters ever to strike our country, but what if it wasn't natural? What if it was created using technology once dreamed of by Nicola Tesla, finally created by the Soviets for use against us as a superpower? Here that scenario is laid out. I mean...I wouldn't have thought of it. Thanks to Brian for supplyin', and thanks to myself for that rhyme.
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Paper Transformers
Here you can print out, cut out, and glue together your very own paper transformers! How awesome is that. Also included are stats on each transformer you're creating. So then you'll know who would win in a fight between Paper Bumblebee and Paper Wipeout.
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Chipworks - Microchip Art
Here are some tiny pieces of art that have been discovered on various microchips. It's pretty cool, considering that the images you're seeing have been magnified somewhere between 200 and 500 times from the originals. That's so tiny!
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Tonight was the season premeire of Arrested Development, which I believe to be the funniest show on television. If you're unfamiliar, one of the characters, Oscar, has been jailed in place of his twin brother, George, and is trying to prove that there's been a mistake. He references the site he started to clear his identity during the show, and sure enough the domain has been registered and a site has been placed there. My favorite parts are the way the "counter" corresponds to the number of posts Oscar has made, suggesting that no one has seen the site besides him, as well as the fact that he has a gmail account where you can mail him. I can only hope the site grows during the season.
Monday, September 19, 2005
International Talk Like a Pirate Day
Avast. September 19th be International Talk Like a Pirate Day. At this site all ye bilge rats will find th' proper instruction fer adoptin' yerself a pirate persona and blatherin' accordingly. Even though it don't be Dress Like a Pirate Day, there also be a Flickr account filled-to-burstin' with great piratey photo. So all ye lubbers raise a hearty grog, grab yer favorite wench, and talk like a pirate.
Friday, September 16, 2005
Thunderbird Crash
Amazing footage of a plane crashing during an airshow. The pilot ejects at the last second, although an entire second is probably more that the time between when he clears the plane and when it explodes. But it's amazing, is the point, and no one dies. I'm not into that kind of video.
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Tales for the Leet - Romeo and Juliet
Classic Shakespeare in leet-speak. Could anything be more educational/awesome? It's 20 or so mins long, and if you like it, there's also a link to Leet Hamlet.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Artificially Intelligent Ouija Board
Here's an update on the classic Ouija Board. This is pretty cool, cause instead of being run by the souls of the departed, its answers are based on a souless calculating machine.
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Neil Armstrong - The Awful Truth
Hilarious "actual" audio from moon landing. Uh...don't let your kids listen to it! Chris tipped me off to this one.
Monday, September 12, 2005
A site basically about a guy doing cool things and taking a lot of pictures of them. For some interesting lessons, check out the How Much Is In It? Adventures and for some laughs inspired by some really creative endeavors, check out the Pranks area. His Incredible Creations area is also worth checking out. This guy is seriously creative and seriously funny.
Friday, September 09, 2005
Cyborg Name Generator
This name generator is pretty cool. It takes the letters in your name and provides an acronym. Super sweet. It makes me wish I could put my brain in a robot body. This link was provided by Zensho! What a stud!
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Here is Dan Paladin's site. Dan is the artist who worked on the very cool game Alien Hominid, which was released on Gamecube and PS2. On his site, you can find some of his very cool web cartoons. Synj vs. Horrid is some of the coolest flash animation I've seen. Also, there are links to his collaborations with programmer Tom Fulp of Newgrounds.com. These flash games are hilariously twisted. I lost a lot of time especially to Dad 'n Me.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
SSI Shredding Demonstrations
I'm sure you've seen shredders that chop up documents. Once in a while, you may have run across one that minces credit cards as well. At this gallery, however, you can see clips of real shredders doing some real work. By that I mean splintering railroad ties, demolishing a steel drum full of concrete, and even turning an entire BMW into fist-sized pieces. Now that's some freakin' shredding!
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
A Million Ways - Ok Go's Backyard Dance Video
Here is a fun video from the band Ok, Go. Word on the street is that one of the band members has a sister who's a dancer who helped them choreograph this little number. Not sure if that's true, but it's fun to watch, and it's set to a good song. Just go to the site, find A Million Ways, select your speed, and you're ready to rock!
Monday, September 05, 2005
Evil Primate
This past week, on G4's Attack of the Show, Anthony Carboni was guest host. My ISS (Internet Stalker Syndrome) kicked in and I ended up following show links about him. Turns out he and his friends have been creating and uploading hilarious movies to the internet. They can be found here.
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Posting on the weekends?
No, thank you. No posting on the weekends. I'm sure I could dig up something and link to it, but I'd rather not dilute the site with crappy links. More crappy than usual, anyway. Five in one week is enough. Good news, though. I'll have a post for Monday, even though it's a holiday. That's how committed I am!
Friday, September 02, 2005
Weatherman Snaps at Anchor
Seems tensions were running high in the CNN newsroom. It's like watching an 11 year old girl expertly push the buttons of her 9 year old brother. Only, it's live TV and they're both adults.
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Death by Caffeine
Here you can find out how many of your favorite soft drink it would take to kill you. If you are determined to drink yourself to death, however, there are far more efficient ways.