It's like "Hot or Not" for kittens. If you like cute things then this is for you. If you don't then vote for the ugly one and skew the results.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Amazing Stop Motion Video Creation
This video is made up of a ridiculous number of still images. I'm not sure how long this took to make but it was a long, long time. Instead of models or puppets, like with most stop motion videos, this one features a person. Also there are some Nintendo-style sound effects involved.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Skater Matt
Skater Matt is super simple animation. The characters don't move except to cruise around on roller skates and do occasional flips. Their joints don't move, their faces don't change expressions and there's no lighting or rendering what-so-ever. Still, the dialogue is hilarious and it's made all the more funny by the lack of polish.
Monday, August 28, 2006
This is a simple, but very challenging flash game where you use a robot claw to drop a ball into a container. The arrow keys rotate the claw not only from its base, but also from a joint in the middle adding the challenge. From there you have to manuever around all sorts of obstacles.
Friday, August 25, 2006
This guy makes amazing animations using only a flashlight and a camera set to take long exposures. He uses the light to draw in the 3D space around him. His animations have a really cool look (they're made of lines made of light) and a really cool sketchy graphic style. How he can keep positions and drawings in his head I have no idea, but some of the stuff gets pretty advanced.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Hope is Emo
This video podcast is brought to you but the creators of Ask a Ninja. It features a totally emo girl who gets sad about everything. It seems like such a simple concept, but all of their episodes have offered something new and fresh. Also, in the same way that you could ask the ninja a questions, you are invited to send Hope advice.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Time Fountain
Time fountain. Watch as this guy uses strobing LEDs to create the illusion that drops of liquid are prozen in time, moving in slow motion, or even reversing their courses and traveling back up to the source. Plus, he can interact with the drops in real time. It's definitely inspired.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Michel Gagné's Prelude to Eden
A short film by Michel Gagné about two tiny particles that just can't get along. For an independent animation done mostly by himself, this is amazing. He says it took 4 and a half years to complete, and I believe it. It looks like he worked on it hard. It's fun and bright and super smooth.
Friday, August 18, 2006
Concert Ticket Generator
Use this site to create your fake concert tickets. They won't get you into any shows, but they will definitely food a casual observer. If you scrapbook, you could use it to claim you went to shows you didn't actually attend. If you're more like me, you just want to see your name on that little piece of paper. Either way, it's pretty slick.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
AOL Log Search
Here's a page that lets you search other people's searches on AOL. It's pretty crazy what some people search for. For example, a search for the word "awesome" showed that people had been searching for everything from "awesome god" to "awesome porno galleries." And, of course, "awesome 80s prom." The goons over at got ahold of this over the weekend, and so some of the results might be skewed toward hilarity. Or inappropriateness, depending on how you see things. Thanks, Nate, for the link.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
It's time for some self-promotion of the shameless kind. Today I bring you the very first episode of my new video podcast JapanicTV. It's about me and a buddy doing things in Japan. Check it out. In addition to the video, there are some pictures we've been taking as we go around and see the sights. If you like it, please tell your friends! Also, you can email the show (and therefore, me) at
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
La Linea
It's a whole bunch of Italian animated shorts that consist of one continuous line on a solid colored background. The artist interacts with the character and everything is told in pantomime, so it doesn't even matter that it's not in English.
Monday, August 14, 2006
Two Fellas
A short film about two aliens. They don't do much. They just talk, but it's funny and their topics range from TV to space to extra body parts. I think it's a tribute to an old TV show, because they allude to "Battle of the Planets." I've never seen it, so I don't know if it's worth the effort, but luckily this short stands on its own.
Friday, August 11, 2006
Wizard People, Dear Readers
Here's a weekend assignment for you. Artist Brad Neely has recorded an alternate narration for the first Harry Potter movie, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. You just download the audio and start it at the same time as the DVD, which you mute. It's a little effort, but the payoff is well worth it. If you can, watch it with a lot of people. You can find Brad's personal website here:
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Fish N' Flush
Sometimes combining things makes sense. Peanut butter and jelly are good examples. Someone does it, and then everyone else says "why didn't I think of that" and we all enjoy the benefits. With this combination of a toilet tank and a fish tank, though, I'm still not sure it's a good idea even after seeing beautiful pictures of it in action.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Crabfu Steamworks
Steam-powered vehicles don't seem to be in style so much these days, but no one told I-Wei Huang, a hobbyist creator of little vehicles powered by water in it's gaseous form. An interest in "Victorian tech and steampunk" led him to create all of these. By the way, the name Crabfu comes from a short piece of animation created by the man behind these tiny mechanical contraptions, and you can find it on another section of his website:
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Fellowship of the Peeps
It's the Fellowship of the Rings, except acted out by Marshmallow Peeps. A lot of time clearly went into this, but I only spent about 30 seconds looking at it. Still, those were 30 worthwhile seconds.
Monday, August 07, 2006
The Show with ZeFrank
A while back I featured ZeFrank's website, which is awesome, but he's started a new project, called The Show with ZeFrank. It's a 3 minute a day video podcast where he talks about some interesting news. Also, he doesn't blink much and occasionally bursts into song.
Friday, August 04, 2006
Soup of the Day
An episodic internet comedy about a guy who has three serious girlfriends simultaneously. Of course, they don't know about each other. It's pretty slick, and the main character is likable.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Noodling/Grabbling Double Post
For those of you who are unfamiliar, as I was until recently, there's a sport called noodling by some, and grabbling by others. Either way, it involves catching monster catfish with your bare hands. There's a double post today:
Here's a pretty boss description of the sport I found on the Cabela's Website:
and here is a site featuring a preview clip for the Girls Gone Grabblin' DVD:
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Speak & Spell
This speak and spell emulator brings back all of the obnoxious sounds of the classic obnoxious learning toy, along with all of the fun, which would be none. Still, it's good for a little bit of nostalgia. Once you load it up, be sure to hit the "ON" button to start it up. You'll be trying to spell easy words in no time, but it won't be easy. That voice is just so hard to understand!
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Subservient Chicken
I know this is old, and I know it's an advertisement, but I just found it recently and it's amazing. Just type something into a text bar and the onscreen man in the chicken suit does it. Well...usually. Nothing too risque is included, but chicken still does all kinds of stuff. What's the best thing you can think of for the chicken-suited man to do?