This is a short film made by Nick Fox-Geig based on a tune by Jessica Delfino. It explores an often-overlooked short cut to fame. It's a catchy song and the animation compliments it nicely. I'll be checking out more of Fox-Geigs work in the future.
Friday, September 29, 2006
I Wanna Be Famous
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Maze Game
Guide your robot through a maze that is randomly generated. Pick up a hammer to bust through a wall. Find a map to help you see the big picture. Escape before the time limit runs out. Waste some time while you're supposed to be doing something else.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
This clock is made from images of numbers comprised of people in various poses. The creator found the images somewhere online and thought they would make a cool looking clock, which they do.
Monday, September 25, 2006
The Burg
It's an episodic series about hipsters in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. They poke a lot of fun at the hipster lifestyle without letting it get too mean. The main characters are vapid and self-absorbed while convincing themselves that they aren't really. Also, it's very well made.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
WEEKEND BONUS: Title Sequences from 80s Cartoons
Here's a weekend bonus. My cousin has compiled a page on his blog pulling together youtubes of a whole bunch of 80's cartoons. How many do you remember? Hooray for nostalgia.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Nate Van Dyke
Online portfolio of artist and illustrator Nate (or n8) Van Dyke. You can browse his portfolio, see some of his personal work, and even buy some his fine art. He has a distinct style and his work is very entertaining. At times it can be a tad disturbing, though (perhaps geiger-esque?), so consider yourself warned. But check it out anyway.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Flash Game Zero
This is another flash game. It lets you lock onto multiple targets and then destroy them all at once. Roll over to lock on and press 'space.'
They explode. It's pretty fun. Then bigger enemies come out that you have to shoot multiple times or aim at manually. And all of this is super slick.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
An ongoing trivia contest. This one gives you a "fact" and you have to guess whether or not it is true. It also tells you the percentage of previous guessers who got the answer correct. This seems to make me doubt my initial instincts. Interesting.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Very Funny Ads
This site features funny commercials from around the globe. It's made and maintained by the TBS cable network, and so probably ties into some show or another but that doesn't stop it from being entertaining. This was sent to me by Dave. He especially was fond of the "sexy" division and, honestly, I can't blame him.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Return of Roadworth
Here's some street art that was based on the normal yellow lines that line the center of pretty much every road. Here they are creatively painted around and incorporated into some bigger and cooler works of art.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Chicken Fried Radio
This podcast, based in Austin, TX, features three funny people who comment on things they find on the internet. These self-described "bush league jackasses with microphones" are often very funny in a totally shocking way. They are not, however, politically correct, so if you're easily offended, give this one a pass.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Bump Copter 2
This is a fun little flash game with a bouncy helicopter and lots of inertia. You can only bounce the vehicle off of so many things, though, before it explodes.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
It touts itself as "The new hardest riddle on the net. It's hard. Really hard. I got nowhere, but maybe you'll do better. I very much like it as an idea, and there's even some interesting art. If you manage to get somewhere with it, please send me an email and let me know.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Babe vs. Babe
This is a site where you can rate girls. I mean, clearly they want some attention, so why not give them some. It's like Kittenwar, except for ladies. It's a little different from previous rating sites because the pictures are rated against each other, instead on a scale of 1 - 10, as in Hot or Not. Also, all of photos come from Flikr.
Monday, September 11, 2006
FPS in Real Life
If a Flash cartoon, a first person shooter, and a few high school kids all got together and had a love child that lived on the internet, it would be this. The technical skill it took to make this is admirable, as well as just the time and effort put it. The best part, though is that the people who made it didn't take it too seriously. Some of the dialogue is pretty funny.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Gunmaster Onslaught
It's an ultra-violent flash game. It even asks if you're 17 or under before it lets you play. It's actually not even that violent but it is fun. Cool controls let you run one direction and shoot in another, much like the old PC game "Abuse," which I loved. It's cool.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
A Digital Man
This dude love RUSH. He loves them so much that he made a film of an animated man beating out a Rush drum solo. I don't really care for Rush, but it's pretty well done and it's clearly a labor of love. A lot of work went into it. Thanks, Dave, for the link.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Here you can make an dress your own 3D avatar. It's clearly a ploy to make money, but there is a lot you can do for free, also. It's definitely a good way to kill a few minutes. If you make someone badass, send me a link or something so I can see what you've done.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
1K Project II
Todays link is a video made using 1000 ghost cars in a videa game called Trackmania Sunrise. I never played it, and if I never do, I'll be ok with myself, but someone has taken the time to complete 1000 races and make a video of the result. The patterns the cars make are amazing. It starts off a little slow, but the action is worth the wait.
Monday, September 04, 2006
Where the Hell is Matt?
Matt travels the world and videos himself dancing in all sorts of exotic locales. The places are as beautiful as his dancing is amatuer. It seems that he has also procured some sort of sponsorship and now does this on the dime of a corporation. Good for him. I only wish that he took more videos of the places his was in. Well, I also wish that someone would offer me the same deal. Notice corporations...I'm for sale.
Friday, September 01, 2006
Photos you Likebetter
The tagline for this site is "you are what you like." You tell your preference of two pictures over and over and the site slowly guesses things about you. Things like gender, tastes, all kinds of stuff. If you're more into the dark side of things, head over to the sister site Hatemore.