This is a really advanced FPS you can play in your browser. It requires Shockwave, and it's supersweet. When I played, I played against bots, but I believe there is an opportunity for multiplayer. It's one of the most advanced games I've seen come through my Firefox. Happy Halloween.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Phosphor FPS
Monday, October 30, 2006
It's time to get your abstract impressionism on! This is a simple site that lets you make your own Jackson Pollock-esque art with only your mouse. The location of the mouse on the screen and the velocity that you move it with are the two things that determine the outcome. Oh, and click to change colors. Thanks, Dave, for the link.
Friday, October 27, 2006
Frank Klepacki
Frank is a composer for some of the most awesome video game music ever, Including the Command and Conquer series. On his site, there's a flash player that will let you play all of his music. Fire up "Hell March" and think whistfully of super saturated CGI cutscenes and somewhat cheesy FMV (as well as little men dying in a few pixels of crimson). Thanks, Dave.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Irritating Game
This is a French Flash game. Luckily there are English instructions. The full English title is Irritating Game which uses 100% of your brain. You use the mouse to control two paddles and keep two balls in the air at once. One moves from side to side, and one rotates and since there is only one input, moving one in your favor will move the other away from it. I'm trying to break a minute. Let me know how you do.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Popular Science: Flight of the Pole Dancer
Here is a video pulled from YouTube in which a girl pole dancing at a club totally wipes out. At the time the video was shot, I'm willing to bet that alcohol was involved. Now, science is involved. There's a very detailed explanation of why she loses it. I recommend reading the explanation first, and then watching the vid. Thank you, science.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
I really like this clock. I lost myself for a long time staring at it earlier. How long? Luckily it was a clock, so I could tell exactly how long. I won't give the exact number, but I will say that it was depressing
Monday, October 23, 2006
Eastern European Matchbox Covers
Here are a collection of Soviet matchbox covers. It's really interesting to see the old propaganda illustrations. Sometimes I have trouble remembering who is superior, so It's nice when a matchbook can remind me: Oh yes, it's the Soviets. One highlight is the appearance of Laika the space dog. Thanks, Nate, for the link.
Friday, October 20, 2006
Nobody's Watching
This is a series of webisodes made "Will" and "Derrick." These actors have had a few bit parts and are now trying as hard as that can to get on any TV possible. Eventually they're trying for their own show. Along the way they make some interesting vidoes which they post here.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
MAKE: Blog
A blog associated with Make Magazine. It tells how to make all kinds of cool things. Some of them are really technologically advanced, like a basic bi-pedal robot. Some of them are really simple, like the cockroach cake. Either way, it's fun to look through. Thanks to Nate for the link.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Line Rider
An interesting little flash game. You draw lines the and penguin slides around them on his little sled. It's a little tricky to get the hang of but it's a lot of fun. Thanks, Dave, for the link.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
The Chompy Show
This is an ongoing video comedy series made by some people I sort of know back Indiana. I got turned onto this by a mutual friend and was really happy to see that it is genuinely funny. Nice work guys.
Monday, October 16, 2006
PaxilBack by The Gray Kid and Daniel Stessen
This is a song and video spoof of Justin Timberlake's Sexy Back. It's been going around the internet, and I'm certainly not the first to see it or post about it, but if you're the one person who hasn't seen it yet, well then you can thank me. It's nice to see musicians that are having fun.
Friday, October 13, 2006
Super Dickery
The premise of this website is that Superman is a dick. To support this, there are some great covers of superman comics, mostly older, where he is just being a total ass. I'm sure of this is taken out of context, but for some of this, there can be no correct context. You just have to see for yourself. Thanks, Nate.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Bliss Express
This is an art book about being happy. There's a lot of cool art from different artists, a couple I had seen before. Definitely worth a look. The flash interface is a little bothersome, but you can get around and see the art pretty well. They want you to buy the book, but at the least you can take a look. Thanks, Zensho.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Pant-Off, Dance-Off
This is a show where people dance and then take their pants off. This isn't as risque as it sounds. You can watch the clips online of the contestants, or submit your own. Some people try to be like strippers, but most try to be funny in some way. And don't think it's just the cream of the attractive crop, either. They take all comers. Don't worry, though, any nudity is pixeled out.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Ruben's Tube
This got voted best video on some site or another. The long and short of it is that this is a cool physics experiment. The best thing is that, try as I might, I can't think of a real application for this besides it just looking really boss!
Monday, October 09, 2006
Workin' Progress
This is a film that I was lucky enough to see at least year's Siggraph conference. It's really well done. For the first half you will wonder why the main character is doing some of the things he's doing. The second half will make you go "Ohhh...I see." It's a great CG short.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Robots of the Future?
This post shows a video of a robot with the head of Albert Einstein. This is incredibly creepy. The face is super realistic, but moves sort of like a puppet. With bits of rubber vibrating unnaturally as he moves, I find him incredibly creepy. What do you think? Thanks Chris for the link.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Something to be Desired
Yet another web series. This one has been going on for years. It's based in Pittsburg and centers on radio station DJ's and their friends. The nicest thing about this one is the large and talented cast. If you watch from the beginning you will see different characters become the focus of the show over time, and rightly so. Now that the best of the actors are featured the most prominently, it's really fun to watch. So check it out from the beginning if you want to see it's evolution (which is noticable if you watch them all over 3 days like I did) or pick it up in the current season, season four, if you just want something new to watch.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Juggle On Acid
This guy loves to juggle and says that LSD gives him improved perception and motor skills when he's practicing his craft. To quote him "The world's first and only resource for juggling nutters who love to juggle while tripping their tits off on LSD." Definitely read what he has to say. As someone who's not really into drugs, I was still amused by the contents of this page.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
This website is an interesting Flash experiement. You can use it with rollovers only. No clicking is necessary. You will probably click, because it's instinctive for everyone who uses a computer for any reasonable amount of time. When you do it asks if you did it on purpose. There's even some fun games.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Fight Club: The Return of Hobbes
Here is an essay that claims that Fight Club is a natural extension of Calvin and Hobbes. As a fan of both, it's an interesting read. I wouldn't have linked them on my own, and I'm not sure if I totally buy the theory now, but it's still worth a look. Thanks Chris for the link.