Remember those commercials of the grating voices weird furry things that sang a song about how much they loves Quizno's subs? Well it turns out that they were created by Joel Veitch and this is a site where he has a lot of his other videos. Watch "we like the moon" and you will instantly recognize the style of both the song and the images. Thanks Dave.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
The Lair of the Crab of Ineffable Wisdom
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Traktor Filmmakers
Traktor is a group of six film-makers who make really cool commercials and music videos. The site is super simple, (they say they don't make websites) and all of the clips are really fun to watch. I especially like the vid for "Up the Tempo," by Fatboy Slim.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Distraction Game
In this game, characters outside of the boundaries interact with you, trying to trip you up. Also, the change the area that you can move around in. Short, but novel!
Monday, November 27, 2006
Whiteboard Music
This is an animation made using a whiteboard. It's sort of an extended morphing doodle set to music. There are lots of little characters and lots of smooth changes, and it goes with a pretty chill song.
Friday, November 24, 2006
Virtual NES
This site is an online emulator that plays tons and tons of games for the original NES (or Famicom, if you prefer) Just click on some games on the right hand side and they'll load up. Your keyboard acts as the controller. Good nostalgia factor here!
Thursday, November 23, 2006
This site has a bunch of flash games all made by presumably the same guy. Check out the "Grow" series. You put things down in order, and if you get the right order, then cool stuff happens. If you don't, then it doesn't. It's not especially logical at the outset, and there aren't clear correlations between objects before you plant them. Lots of trial and error. Lots of time wasted. Thanks, Greg.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Console Wars and the Ladies of Ebay
This is a video comprised of screen shots of girls who used risque poses to try to lure others to their auctions as they sold the new Sony PS3 and Nintendo Wii. Seems to be quite a trend. Word on the street, according to this site, anyway, is that the flirtacious pics didn't really boost the price of the auctions.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Millions of Dominoes Fall
From Rueters, it's a video of the world domino record being broken. Actually, it's more of a highlight reel. The dominoes numbered over four million and the video is only two and a half minutes long. Still, it is pretty impressive. If you're going to break a world record, you might as well pick one that takes infinite patience to prepare and on which assembly could be halted at any moment by an errant sneeze.
Monday, November 20, 2006
In this flash game you have to stack rings on top of each other. Every time you place a small yellow ring on top of slightly larger blue ring, they both disappear. If you make a stack of three, then the points you receive for making the pile vanish are more. Also, you have to clear each ring before a set time limit. It's exceptionally addictive, and I've been playing it all weekend. I thought it would kick the week off well.
Friday, November 17, 2006
Another promotional site. This one is fantastic. You type in something and it makes a picture say it. You can use their default picture, football related, or you can use your own picture which you upload. Here's what I had to say (it's good for the next 13 or so days).
If you make something good, send me the link. Also, if you're under 21, don't drink.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Dead Monkey Comics
Portfolio and Blog by Tim Farrell. It features some of his animations which are quite funny. Check out "WTF," especially. Zensho comes through again.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Sketch Swap
On this site, you make a sketch and then you hit submit. Once you've done that, another picture that someone else has submitted is sketched on your screen. I believe that sketches are screened so nothing too dirty can get posted. So draw what you want, but no weiners and butts! Zensho is responsible for this link. He's been busy this week.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Pixel Blaster
In this game you aim with the mouse and fly with the keyboard. It starts out simple but gets hairy really quickly. It reminds me a lot of the old PC platformer Abuse, which I loved.
Monday, November 13, 2006
Shave Everywhere
This guy loves talking about grooming. It's a promotional website for an electric body hair shaver but that doesn't mean that it's not funny. This dude gets bleeped a little bit but every time that happens his point is illustrated with fruit. Makes me feel a little hairy. Once again Zensho provided the link.
Friday, November 10, 2006
Man in the Dark
This is a really simple site but it's so cool. It's also been around for a while, but I just don't care. It's a brilliant idea realized very well. That's all I got to say, except that this one wasted more time than a lot of these links do. Thanks Zensho for the reminder on how awesome this one is.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
It's a really fun game where you fly as a missile through a 3D tunnel. The mouse controls the motion, but there's a little lag, as inertia comes into play. This one has shaved hours off of my life. It has 9 levels supposedly, but right now I'm stuck on 6. If you can beat it, let me know. Until then, I'm going to keep trying.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Barats & Bereta
Another site with youngsters making funny videos and putting them online. I looks like they started in college and are still at it. The most recent videos are the funniest and I think you might like them.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Will It Blend
A guy blends awesome things in his blender. Like a can of coke, including the can. Or marbles. I wouldn't want my fingers in there, but I love watching the videos of the old man putting in crazy things.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Dan Paladin: Watermelon
A while ago I put as an awesome link. Since then Dan Paladin has been busy and one of his projects includes a CD of music entitled Watermelon. It's hard to define, but the closest I can come is if pop music and 8-bit video game scores had a love child, this would be it. You can listen to it (or most of it) on the site.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Flow in Games
This is a really simple and really fun game. You just swim around and eat things. Your creature follows your cursor. If you click, it swims faster. The more you eat, the more you evolve, and the bigger you get. Also, the background music is mellow and cool. Thanks to Dave, for this one.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
This is the personal site of Pascal, and animator and illustrator. He has a lot of quick sketches and very lively animation. It's very fun to see. I especially enjoy the clips that deal with bosses being a bother at work. Thanks, Zensho, for the link.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Sweaty Robot
Sweaty Robot is a comedy group that makes shorts and produces a podcast. Their stuff is pretty funny, and the production value is higher than most. Definitely give their site a look-through.