Here is the full pilot to the Flight of the Conchords' new HBO series. It's a low key kind of comedy that is pretty funny. It definitely has some elements of the HBO show that Tenacious D made, in that it features a comedy duo struggling to make it big in the music scene, but it's still very original.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Flight of the Conchords
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Will-san just got OWNED!
Here's a site that takes the name you choose and points you out in a bunch of popular web macros about being owned. It makes sure you are clearly labeled throughout. My friend Greg from Japan sent me this (hence the "san" after my name). Just change the subdomain to change the name that appears in the animation. Also, be advised, several of these picture are rather brutally graphic.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
LATAWNYA, the Naughty Horse, Learns to Say "No" to Drugs
This is an amazing childrens book dealing with the evils of drug and alcohol abuse through the eyes of family of talking horses. It's astoundingly funny, but not on purpose. The illustrations, especially, make this something special. Thanks to Dave for the link.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Here's another fun and addicting flash puzzle game. You have to make squares by selecting an area with all four corners being the same color. If you can do that, then the blocks disappear and are replaced. Each space on the board has to be cleared at least once to move on to the next level.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Don't Shoot the Puppy
To keep winning at this game, you have to not do anything. The puppy will live if you don't move. The creators do all kinds of things that will kick your web-browsing reflexes into high-gear, but don't be fooled. I made it to level 9. I'm sure there are more.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Caramel Dansen
This site isn't a big time waster, but it keeps you aware of exactly how much time you've spent. Time flies when you're having fun. It also flies when you're watching this. Eerily so. thanks to Dave for the link.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
News of the weird - Weird Map
Click on this map to find some weird news from different areas in the US. The datelines go back quite a few years so there are lots and lots of stories from whatever state you feel like finding out about. Thanks to Greg for the link.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Turns out concept artist Feng Zhu is not only into making really cool art (he's definitely designed some of the major icons in popular culture). He's also totally into chicks, or as the site puts it, he has a "passion for creating memorable female characters." The sketches are cool, the models are even cooler and the site is fun.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Badass origami stuff
Following up Friday's post about cool paper, here are some pictures of amazing paper folding. It's possibly from an MIT origami contest, the poster isn't sure. Anyway, what is sure is that these things are freaking amazing. Thanks again to Dave for the double paper-related links.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Peter Callesen
This guy makes amazing art out of plain sheets of white paper. Between cutting out and folding up, he gets really cool, incredibly detailed scenes. Clearly a lot of work goes into his art. Thanks to Dave for the link.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Qoob TV - Lovesport looks like it might be another youtube inspired video site, but they seem to have a lot more quality programming. Check out this page for the LOVE SPORT series, produced by Studio AKA out of Great Britain. The fun video's are made just with little boxes, but there is a LOT of character to be found here. Thanks to Mai for the link.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Here's a fun flash game where you push a circle around obstacles to advance through levels. You can bounce off walls and fall in holes, so you'll have to be careful. For extra difficulty, you can hurry through it in a timed mode. Another really addicting flash game!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
War of the Worlds, and others
Here you can find some links to some recordings of famous science fiction. Some of these are just files that fans have made of them reading their favorite author, but the most interesting to me is a recording of the Orson Welles version of "War of the Worlds," The one that caused a scare in the radio listening community when it was originally aired.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Kennedy's video for ""Your Mama" is pretty big on the ol' internet these days. I you haven't seen it yet, you can see it here at Kennedy's website. It's well-made and funny. Thanks to Greg for the link.
Friday, May 11, 2007
It's a really cool blend of puppetry and animation. There's not much else to say, except for that it's not only technically impressive, but also really fun. The mother site has some interesting stuff as well, but this one was the first I saw and remains my favorite.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Keith Schofield
This is the site for director Keith Schofield, featuring many of his music videos. He has a lot of cool things and very distinctive style. I found the site when I was poking around the web looking after seeing the video he did for Hard and Phirm's song Pi. Check it out here!
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Justin TV
Justin has started webcasting his life, I believe with no intention of ever stopping. I've heard about it from tons and tons of people. I watched for a while. It wasn't especially exciting, but then neither is my life. I might tune into to it again sometime.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
1 Click
It's a Japanese site, but you don't need to read it to know what's going on. See how many things you can get the "cursor" to do? Speed and direction definitely have and effect, and clicking is, of course, worthwhile. Thanks to Mai for the link!
Monday, May 07, 2007
Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries Presents
This is one that I found a long time ago and recently rediscovered. Young-Hae Chang takes poems and sets them to percussive music using flash. Sometimes they're a bit dirty and sometimes they're a little too fast for me to read clearly, but the ones I've seen are interesting. Very simple and well done.
Friday, May 04, 2007
Joe is Japanese
Here is an animated web series based on the experiences of Joe McCunney, a half-japanese dude who was born and raised in Japan. There's not a lot of content yet, but what they have looks really, really good. Anyone interested in either Japanese culture or decent animation may be interested in this. Thanks to Zensho (who knows about this subject all too well) for the link.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
A Network called "Internet"
Here's a gem from the CBC archives. It's a 1993 video news story about "Internet." They give the setup of this newfangled technology and talk to a genuine "internet enthusiast." My favorite part is the testimonials of internet users toward the end. The person who said that anonymoty leads people to be more tolerant, however, obviously said it long before the days of Xbox Live.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
The Films of Carey Burtt
These films, one about a serial killer and one about how to become a cult leader, are surprisingly funny, given the subject matter. The fact that the narration is deadpan and deadly serious while the visuals are somewhat goofy really adds to the production and both of them have a really awesome retro feel. And as a bonus, they're only mildly disturbing. Thanks to Greg, for the link.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Tactical Assassin
Shoot stick figures through a sniper scope in this web-based flash game. There's not a lot of background given (or if there was, I didn't read it) but I'm pretty sure you're just the standard killer for hire. Shoot 'em up!