The tagline for this site is "you know you want to" and damn if I don't! The robot, for all it's cheese, is still pretty freakin' awesome when someone really busts it out correctly. Here you can find a trailer for their DVD and their blog, but the really cool thing is a link to their youtubes of instructional breakdance videos. Wannabe b-boys and b-girls can now break it down! (Warning, bare asses may be involved)
Friday, June 29, 2007
How To Do The Robot .com
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Guyz Nite - Die Hard
Here is a song paying tribute to the awesome John McClane and his series of awesome movies. The music video is cut together from those flicks and the trailer for the new one. It's rocking, and filled with explosions. Not sure how it could be any more awesome!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
AT-AT Stroller
Here is a parent who has given their baby stroller a star wars theme. I'm not going to lie, I would love to see an AT-AT storm Hoth with a giant, cranky baby at the helm. What a great fight that would be! Since that's something I will never, ever see, I'll just imagine it and look at the picture of the baby.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Consumer Reports - Car Crash Test
Here you can input the make and model of your car and see it demolished. Also, someone will tell you about how much damage you'll take if you get hit from the front or side. It makes me want to drive my aging yet trusty Toyota Corolla really slowly.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Arconyx Animation - Pitch Party
Hey, one of my past teachers has started his own animation studio. Right now he's running in an online pitch contest. He has three submissions and could really use your vote. Click on the link to go to his site, and then from there you can go and vote. You have to have your vote in by Mon, June 25th. The dude's got good ideas, and it takes no time, so do him a solid!
Friday, June 22, 2007
Bush Sound Board
I've looked at the Super News previously, but here's a new offering. This soundboard is a little different from others, in that it lets you queue up things to say and make the different words and phrases into longer statements and sentences. Then you can send the messages you make to your friends.
Here's the one I made:
If you make one, post a link or embed in the comments. Thanks to Jeff for the link.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Bum Wines
Here's a site that ranks the worst of terrible wines. When someone is a wino, this is what they drink. Each beverage is rated according to "worst taste," "getting wasted," and "warmth." Also there are hilarious discriptions and a bit of trivia.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
It's Jerry Time
Here's some episodic animation where Jerry tells some stories that aren't terribly interesting about his life, which also isn't terribly interesting. The way it's all packaged really makes it more than the sum of its parts. Surprisingly engaging!
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Internet Anagram Server
Sealskin Meow
Weaken Miss Lo
Slake Meow Sin
Make Wine Loss
Sneak Semi Low
Those are all anagrams for 'Awesome Links.' This site showed me that.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Worst Music Video Ever?
Long-time readers may remember that this site started when I saw an awesomely bad music video. Well, here's another. This site seems to this this might be the worst music video ever? I'm not so sure, but you should check it out, to be sure. Also, this site is sorely lacking in reader participation, so if you have a link for a terrible music vid, post it in the comments for this post.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Here's another animation. It's French, it's cute, and it's inclredibly violent, but in a fun, cartoon kind of way. There is some dialogue, but I found it enjoyable without knowing what they were saying. You should be able to get the gist of things too.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Artie Lange Death Watch
Here is a site that is sure that comedian Artie Lange will go the way of other "tubby, prat-falling" comedians such as John Belushi and Chris Farley. Here they have stories about him and his hard living lifestyle. Thanks to Dave for the link. Sad, but hilarious.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Mr. T sings about his Mamma
Here's a video that Mr. T made to show his love for the woman that birthed him. He's sincere, it seems, but that only makes this video even funnier. It's truly astounding. Well worth the time it takes to watch. Super 80's style!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Wrigley's Extra 'Tab'
This one's a gum commercial. In the same vein as Mr. Citymen from my recent post, this features cute characters matched into footage shot with handheld cameras. This time they are food and they are following someone around until he chews some gum. It's like if you were paranoid and delusional, but your deluded paranoia only extended to the freshness of your breath. Cool.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Passive Aggressive Notes
Here is a blog that details notes from roomates and neighbors. The name says it all. Surely at one time or another we've all be on the receiving end of something similar. I find they're a lot more fun when they're not directed at me.
Friday, June 08, 2007
Eric Lerner - Mr. Citymen
Here is a cool series of shorts involving cute characters placed very well into some urban landscapes. I had fun watching them. I believe it's done by a student. The camera work is all hand held, and it's match-moved very well. Interesting stuff.
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Enter your birthday into this site and it tells you all kinds of things for your birthday, like the number one song, the cover of Time magazine, and even a picture of the moon's phase for that special day. Also, you can find out how old you are in martian years. Cool.
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Bruno Sánchez-Andrade Nuño Astrophysics
I don't usually post things that are scientific on here, but this was too cool to pass up. It's a video of the surface of the freaking sun. Some sort of new technology was involved, I'm sure. I just like watching the video.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Superman's Pal: Jimmy Olsen
For anyone that saw the Super Dickery post a while ago, here is a great follow up. It's time for Superman's pal: Jimmy Olsen to stand up and be a dick in his own right. Here you can see him harvesting some of Superman's tears. Awesome.
EDIT :: Seems I forgot to give credit. How embarassing. Thanks to Dave for the link.
Monday, June 04, 2007
Here's an online turn-based card game that pits you and your fortress against either a computer opponent or someone else on the internet. It's not too complicated, so it's easy to pick up. Say goodbye to hours of your day.
Friday, June 01, 2007
Verdi - Traviata - Choeur Bohémiens
Here is an amazing piece of claymation. The detail in the motion here is amazing. Even ripples in cloth are animated. It's foreign, but there aren't any words, so it doesn't really matter.