Here's some Chuck E. Cheese robots that have been configured to play a Bubba Sparxxx tune. If the robots themselves weren't enough to give you horrible terrifying nightmares, the choice of music will certainly seal that deal. Creepy, but I can't stop watching.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Chuck E. Cheese robots play hip hop
Monday, July 30, 2007
So I've fallen off for another week, but I'm back to start off another round with something really special. Like most reasonable people, I really think Hummer's are ridiculous things to have driving around American highways. Imagine my delight when friend and coworker Ryan showed me FUH2. It lets people upload images of themselves giving the finger to H2's they come across. Be sure to check out the photo-collage poster. It's amazing.
Friday, July 20, 2007
1,500 Inmates practice Thriller dance
You know, I would have guessed that Filipino prisons would be terrible, but maybe they're not as bad as I would have thought. Here's a clip of 1,500 inmates performing choreography from Michael Jackson's Thriller together in the prison yard. Wow! Turns out that having that much time on your hands can be used for something more useful than riots in the mess hall.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Halo Short 360
Heres some sort of short put together for Halo 3 promotion. It's excellent, it's got some cool cg and some live action folks in it together. It doesn't excite me enough to actually make me want to join some sort of marine force, but it does excite me enough to want to play the game when it comes out.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Time Capsule
Here is a short done in really cool black and white 2D. In it, a robot tells some aliens about the fate of planet earth and it's inhabitants. The animation is cool and so is the message. Here is a high quality quicktime that looks amazing. I heard about this one at work!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
If you like Demitri Martin, then you will like this site. It's got him as a flash version of himself with lots of Demitry-style observations. There is a ton of material here, including, I think, some of his drawings. Thanks to Zensho for the link. Warning, though, it takes a really long time to load.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Mark Coleran
Alright. I'm back in business. Today's link comes courtesy of Jeremy. It's the personal site of a guy who designs those cool computer displays you see only in movie. Motion graphics and design are working well together in his showreel. If you watch movies at all, then you should recognize several of these. It appears Mark Coleran has made quite a name for himself.
Special thanks to everyone who left comments during my vacation.
Monday, July 02, 2007
I'm moving again.
It's time for another break. I'm in the process of a cross-country move, so it may be a week or two before I'm back with regular internet service and/or the time to use it fully.
In the meantime, here's an assignment: I can tell that people visit the site, but I'd like to know a bit more, so it's time for a survey. If you enjoy the site, just post a comment with your first name and where you are from. If you'd like, you can also post an awesome link of your own. If you're too shy to do it publicly, an email would be OK . I'm looking forward to seeing who is out there.
And tell a friend to check out the links.