This turned out to be a whole week of political incorrectness. I thought a great way to top it off would be with the "Child Beater" films by Triple S productions. It stars a father fighting his two very small (think toddlers) sons. It's just some friendly rough housing in the back yard, but it's cut together in a pretty funny way. It also looks like the kids are taking some big hits, but the site assures that they weren't harmed. See for yourself.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Child Beater
Thursday, November 29, 2007
You Park Like an Asshole
On this site you can print out citations to give to people who are parking like assholes. They can then go to the site and see details about what kind of infraction they've committed. This is perfect for situations where a parking job is annoying, but not illegal. Also, be sure to check out the photo gallery of asshole parkers.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Here is a great site that shows concerts for free. I just turn them on while I'm working and listen, really. The music is definitely good. There aren't a lot of big name bands, but there were a few that I recognized, including The Brand New Heavies, Pennywise, Bouncing Souls, and Josh Ritter. There's lots of good music on here. The thumbnail for today was taken from a video of set Diplo did. Thanks to Jeremy for the link. It's definitely awesome.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Men Who Look Like Old Lesbians
This one is not politically correct, but it sure is funny. The name says it all. Sometimes celebrities start to look effeminate as they age and here they are captured photographically and arranged for your viewing. When I came across this site Bruce Jenner was featured on the front page. Thanks to Mike for the link.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Dead Man Eating
Here is a chronicling of last meals of prisoners on death row. It's a little bit morbid, but there are a lot of death-penalty statistics and information. It's been a while since the last one, but there's a lot of backdated info, too. Thanks to Morgen for the link.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving. Just a recycled link this week.
So I've been lazy this week. I'll be back on top of things on Monday. This is my thanksgiving card I made a couple years back. It's sort of abstract, and you have to wait until the end to really tie it to thanksgiving in any way, but since I made it on the day, it seemed appropriate at the time. Hope you had a good holiday and weren't elbowed in the face by a soccer mom at 4 am the morning after as you both rushed for that bargain-priced name-brand good.
Friday, November 16, 2007
I Can Has Cheezburger?
Here, from what I can tell, is the source of the LOLcats. They have a few new ones each day (I've got them sent straight to my feed reader) and are usually quite funny. I started looking at them at work, because it was pretty sure that I wouldn't get anything terribly inappropriate coming down the pipe. Cute.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Launch Ball
As much as I try to keep educational content off of this site, I found a game so fun I can't resist. Here is a physics and science based game that is reminiscent of the Incredible Machine series. You have to set up your equipment and then you press play and see if it does what you want it to. Very cool, and sometimes very tricky. Thanks to Bryan for the link.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Things My Boyfriend Says
This was passed around at work in response to yesterdays post. It's a chronicle of silly things that the authors boyfriend says. As was pointed out by the person who brought it up, it's much less disturbing and much more cute. This exchange was the one that won me over:
While snuggling:
me: Who loves you?
e: Megatron.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Things My Girlfriend and I Have Argued About
Mil Millington chronicles different arguements that he's had with his girlfriend. It sounds like they may argue quite a bit. Reasons range from mundane things like the TV remote control and how to eat a kit-kat, to fairly major things like choosing the name of their child, or how to pronounce that name once it had been chosen. It's written in a pretty funny way.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Pac-Txt: Pac-Man meets Zork
Someone has made Pacman into a text adventure. Commands include "look around" "forward" "back" and "eat dot." It's surprisingly fun, except I keep getting attacked by ghosts which means I "pass out and awake minutes later back where you began." It's all done neatly on the website, so it's easily playable during a slow day at work (just to give an example).
Friday, November 09, 2007
Tokyo Brass Style - All Girl Band Covers Dragonball Z Theme
Here's a clip of an all-girl brass band playing the Dragonball theme. It's pretty common to see cute j-girls, but it's rare to see them rocking this much! These girls can play. The comments from this post also point out that this is the Dragonabll theme that they are covering, not Dragonball Z. Thanks to Zensho, who knows I have a soft spot in my heart for awesome horn sections.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Sony Bravia - Play Doh Ad
Here is another amazing advertisement for the Sony Bravia. It involves stop motion rabbits running through New York City. I can't imagine the amount of planning or effort that went into this (and I'd hate to be the animator who messed up a shot and ruined a days work). The result is pretty freakin' amazing.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
The Dose
Here is the site and blog of Andy. I took a few moments to check out the Diary section of the site, where the first post I read was about how he sent inappropriate photos to a friend to use in a wedding guest book. The next was "The Barbie Collection", featuring pictures with captions like "Community Service Barbie," and "Gay in London Ken." Another feature finds him putting personal ads on from the 1940s on Craig's List to see if they still get a response. They do, and it's hilarious. Thanks to Brian C. for the recommendation.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
On this page you can find the blogs of Abo and Karo. They are brothers and each believes he can lead the way to artistic genious. Each also believes that the other is going about his artistry in completely the wrong way. They live together and bicker pretty constantly. You can track them both through their areas of the website. They just started, but so far there are quite a few updates. I'll be tracking them as they continue.
Monday, November 05, 2007
iGod | Artificial Intelligence Chat
Here is an online bot that lets you talk to to a higher power. I asked it all kinds of things. It was kind of vague, but once in a while it gave an interesting answer (when I asked it "Do you ever talk to Satan?" the answer was "Yes, a lot more than you might think actually"). It also has that super-slick, Applish, Web 2.0 look to it, which I guess is how it earns it's "i" prefix. Thanks to Dave for the link.
Friday, November 02, 2007
I've been gone for the last month due to somewhat ridiculous work hours and general laziness during freetime. BUT THINGS ARE GOING TO CHANGE AROUND HERE. Starting Monday, I'll be back with the awesome links, once again posting every weekday for as long as I can keep it up. Remember, if you have a link you think is awesome, send it to me at