After the weirdness of the last two days, it's time for something else weird. But at least it's cute. Here you can get stuffed guts and t-shirts where the guts doing stuff with cute slogans like "Urine love." Ahhh, cuteness. Have a good weekend.
Friday, February 29, 2008
I Heart Guts!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Weirder than yesterday's link, but not quite as creepy: It's an internet gem! Many people have seen this before, but how long have you really spent with it? Shouldn't you give it some time? There are a lot of things to see and do. It definitely sets me a bit on edge though, and in a weird way makes me want to start plotting the demise of my roommate. Thanks Bryan for the link.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Strange Dolls by Beth Young Robinson
I know I've posted creepy dolls before. I'll surely post them again. But what good does that do you now? Not a lot, until todays link. Here you can get handmade dolls that are really strange. It's right in the name of the site. You can get one for yourself, or if you have a child you want to scar psychologically, you can get one as a present. Go check it out.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Online etch-a-sketch! Excellent! Use the arrow keys to make some pictures. The only problem is that you can get perfect diagonal lines by holding down two arrows, and that there's no way to really shake it. Other than that, it's all here. On the other hand, you can save it to the gallery and see random pics as well. Kind of cool.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Rules of Thumb
Here is a blog that catalogues rules of thumb as well as their sources. Lots of useful info here. On the highway is it more efficient to roll your windows down or just run your AC? How tall will your two year old be when fully grown? How a subject be lit for a portrait? You can find that out here, along with the sources of the info and ratings about how useful others found these fun facts.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Ultra Kawaii
Kawaii is Japanese for cute. If you've followed the site for a while, you should know that I love cute things. This is the place. While I was there I watched a flash animation of "Stunt Kitty" where the kitty in question endured several hits from rubber ducks with no ill effects. Genius. Other features include pet videos and pictures submitted my users for posting on their blog. Rest assured, it's all super cute. Have a good weekend.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
The FAIL Blog
This is just a collection of pictures that are mostly just captioned with the word "FAIL." Some are hilarious. Some are mean. Some are both. It seems to have just kicked off recently, and has already been making the internet rounds. Definitely check it out, but be warned, there's probably some violence in there somewhere.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Humping Dog USB
The title kind of says it all. This is a USB memory stick that, once attached to and powered by your laptop, proceeds to give it the business! Go dog, go! I'm pretty sure that I wouldn't want to own one of these, as the constant humping would probably be annoying after the first 7 minutes, but this video sure is fun. Thanks to Dave for the link.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Abnormal Behavior Child
Abnormal behavior child is a graphicky face that bounces, morphs and emits light to the music. Kind of interesting. I haven't really explored anything except this splash page, but that in and of itself is enough to warrant it a place as an awesome link. Thanks to Bryan for the link.
Monday, February 18, 2008
The Rolling Exhibition.
Happy President's Day. After a couple week break it's time for more awesomeness. Here is a cool photo exhibition. The photographer was born without legs, and after a lifetime of being stared at he decided to start taking pictures of the people staring. It's not really accusatory, it's just mostly fun. He's traveled extensively and has pictures from all over. Check it out.
Friday, February 01, 2008
A Moment by Phil Hansen
Here is a very cool art piece done by Phil Hansen. You can't tell based on the thumbnail here, but it's all made of of text. Hansen asked people to leave him phone messages telling about an event that changed their loves, and then used those messages as the text for the image. He made the image over two days, and the video on the site gives more detail. Very cool! Thanks to Dave for the link.