Here is a moving picture of a girl that follows your mouse and looks around. We've all seen some basic version of this before, but this one is incredibly realistic, with just enough computerishness to put her firmly in the uncanny valley. It's a simple link, today, but I ended up spending quite a bit of time with it.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Rom Check Fail
Rom Check Fail takes every 80's video game character, setting, and enemies and put them all in one game that randomly changes each one of those properties listed making for a mesh mash of fun, and an instant classic. (Epileptics beware)
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
You Swear
If you ever wondered how to swear in another language, this is your resource. You can figure it out on your own, but this has everything collected in one place, from Afrikaans to Yiddish. Not only that, but there's a "swear of the day" feature, and a youtube video section. Thanks to LS3D for the link.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Cool Ways to Kill Yourself
While I do not advocate anyone killing themselves, Cools Ways to Kill yourself is a site for those who have decided to go out in a blaze of glory, so to speak. It describes terrible but humorous way of making your death as unforgettable as possible. My personal favorite is plugging every orifice of your body with epoxy.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Bill Murray Looms Large
This is a short flash cartoon about a man who thinks he's Bill Murray. His friends and family try to tell him differently, but he's not having it. It starts off fairly slowly, but picks up in a really weird and cool way about halfway through. Thanks to Hannah for the link!
Friday, May 23, 2008
Earlier in the year Will posted a link which referred you to a website where you could calculate the amount of playhouse plastic fun balls (If only you realized how much I enjoy typing "fun balls") it would take to fill a room with. That site was actually inspired by a comic from this gentlemen's website its good stuff if not slightly on the computer nerd side of humor
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Green Porno
In a series of shorts presented by the Sundance Channel, respected actress Isabella Rossellini dresses up like various insects and shows the citizens of the internet how each species mates. It's her a bunch of odd costumes with a bunch of strange puppets. Most of it is more weird than anything, but there are a few things you'll see that are NSFW. Thanks to Angie for the link.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Tampon Stun Gun Protector
While browsing the series of tubes, I tend to run across items I wish I had thought of first. But the Tampon Stun Gun is beyond even my vivid imagination. Maybe its my male ability to completely block out all things related to any part of female hygiene but this website left me in pure shock and awe. Either way its still a pretty funny item and read.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Things I Did Last Night
This is one that would only be ruined by explanation. You just have to click it. Thanks to Jeff for the link.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Things younger then John McCain
Over the past 6 months we've had to put up with John McCain is older than dirt jokes, While I do not advocate any candidate(I heard my endorsement matters!), I ran across this website that puts into perspective how old John McCain is compared to inventions and items we use daily. My personal favorite is Area Codes are Younger then McCain
Friday, May 16, 2008
Here's a worthwhile follow up. A while back I posted a clip I called Wall Animation. It featured impressive technique and weird visuals. It turns out it was part of a larger piece, which you can see at today's link. The artist goes by the name of Blu, and completed this piece on the walls of Buenos Aires. The end result is amazing.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Modern Mechanix
Modern Mechanix is a nifty little site that scans documents and does small write ups on old magazine ads, covers, illustrations, and photographs. They show how generations before us thought future technology was going to be like 25, 50, 100 years into the future. Some of the stuff is hilariously awesome on so many levels. Check it out for yourself you won't regret it.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Terminator Kama Sutra
This is pretty self explanitory, but in case you haven't figured it out from the title, click the link to see terminators in all kinds of sexual positions. It's walking along the line of NSFW, so if you have conservative bosses, you might want to wait until you get home to check this one out.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Found is an image bookmarking site that I browse daily for graphic design inspiration, in my own work. The images range from high quality photographs to new and old illustrations and design pieces. Its still great eye candy even for those less artistic in nature!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Three Legged Legs - Repertoire / Zune
Here is a really cool short commissioned to advertise the Zune and produced by Three Legged Legs. It doesn't just have puppets. It has zombie puppets. That's rad. Also there are a lot of links to behind the scenes info, so you can see original designs, puppet-making, planning for the films, and more. Check it out, and welcome back to the awesome links.
So, it turns out my April Fools joke was to post once on April 1st and then ignore the blog for several weeks. In an attempt to overcome my tendency to ignore the site when things get busy, I'm making a couple of changes around here. First, I'm adding an official contributor. From here on out, Dave, the most prolific supplier of links thus far, will be making his own posts and adding to this already fairly large list of internet time-wasters. Secondly, the site will be shortly taking on a new look. Dave will also be responsible for helping with this. So welcome to Dave, and here's to continued daily updates.