Hey, more news. Dave has been a great contributor to the site for the past few weeks, but now he's got to take a hiatus as the school year starts. Don't worry, links will still come, and we'll all celebrate when he returns. Until then feel free to send me any links you come across.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
Sometimes Red, Sometimes Blue
Just like the name says. Super simple. Refresh and you may get a different color. It's a 50/50 chance.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Kung Fu Election
Here is a flash fighting game based on the candidates in this years presidential election. It's kind of like Mortal Kombat, with the the heads of public figures pasted on the bodies of the fighters. There's a wide variety of moves and plenty of violence. Check it out.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
John McTaint
There are a lot of joke websites based on current national politics, but this is by far one of the funniest. It's main character is sort of a doddering old republican who offers everything from wild campaign promises (a barrel of light, sweet, crude oil for every legal American family) to a solution for both energy and immigration issues (undocumented green energy farms). There's even a chance to share in his experiences with "American Hero Camps." Well put together and funny.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Campus Violence Poster Project
The UCDA is a designer's association which recently held a poster contest using the theme school violence and taking submissions from around the world. The pieces were put in a show that traveled around US colleges and universities. Now that the show is over they have decided to put the pieces up for sale on eBay with all proceeds going to charity. There are tons to choose from so look through you mind find something you like.
The eBay link: http://shop.ebay.com/merchant/ucdafoundation
Monday, August 25, 2008
Orange Label Design
This one isn't a whole link so much as an easter egg on the site. Go to this site, an extremely professional design site and look around. Very slick. Then notice the windows toolbar used as part of the banner for the icon design page, the page linked to from this post. Wacky. Thanks to Bryan for the link.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Warhammer Online
A follow up to Thursdays link; I bring you the opening cinematic to Warhammer online. Another MMO like World of Warcraft. Both were released about the same time so I thought I'd give you a good double header of CGI goodness.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King
Blizzard has always made stunning cinematics for their games. This latest, for the World of Warcraft expansion Wratch of the Lich King is no different. I'm not really into WOW, but I have to admit that this is some wickedly awesome CG by a studio that consistently does good work. There are rumors that this is a teaser and there is something even bigger things in the works for Blizzcon.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Warning Label Generator
I love dynamic image generators and this one is no different. Choose your layout, your warning logo and a brief message about what kind of caution you wish to impart and you're done. Couldn't be simpler. I'll be using this one a lot in the near future. Thanks to LS3D for the link.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Worst Album Covers ever
I love things so ugly you can't help but laugh and fall in love with it. This site has a list of hilariously terrible album covers.
Monday, August 18, 2008
The List Universe
Here's a site that collects lists, usually top ten lists. Some of the more interesting recent ones include "Top Ten Blind Bluesmen From Before You Were Born," "Top Ten Greatest Robots in Movies," and "Top Ten Bizarre Body Modifications." Definitely some interesting stuff. Thanks to Morgen for today's link.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Totally Looks Like
Here's a blog dedicated to finding pictures of famous people who look like other famous people. Sometimes it compares famous people to cartoon characters, drawings from company logos and other pop culture references. Check out the thumbnail to see that Eric Clapton totally looks like Gordon Freeman. Check out the site to see some more.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Art Pad
Art pad is a pretty cool site that lets you draw you draw pictures, while recording your movements. The drawing tools seem kinda of rudimentary but I started looking through the gallery watching people draw. Some really cool stuff popped up.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Cake Wrecks
Here's a blog that catalogs terrible cakes. It features either cakes that are well made, but based on a bad design (gross or impractical) or cakes that are just poorly put together. My favorite are the ones where the inscriptions are just literal versions of the notes given to the cake maker. Thanks to Angie for the link.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
2Advanced studios
I love a high-end flash site, so when I ran across the company of 2Advanced studios I felt the need to share. The site they've built as their homepage is extremely well done. I spent 20 mins today just browsing around it.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Fantastic Contraption
For any of you who remember The Incredible Machine, this might be of interest to you. The 90's PC game let you set up Rube Goldberg style machines to try to accomplish simple tasks, and featured a whole plethora of tools. This one is Flash based and has fewer options, but still requires you to set up machines and let them run in a physics based world. Lots of fun. I've been able to beat all the levels except level 20, "Unpossible." If you can manage, save your machine and post the link to the comments!
Friday, August 08, 2008
Ronald Chevalier
Here is some viral marketing for the upcoming movie Gentlemen Broncos. It looks like the personal website of author and guru Reginald Chevalier. There are youtube clips and audio excerpts from one of his books Bio Wars: a Harpy's Perspective, as well as a photo gallery. Hopefully there will be more info to come. The main character is played by Jemaine Clement, of Flight of the Conchords fame.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Art of Mark Hosford
A few years back I had the pleasure of going to a gallery showing of Mark Hosford. His illustration and screen printing blew me away. His style, as best I can describe it, is a twist of a childhood memories and uncomfortable weirdness. I found his site again recently decided to share.
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Bowser's Minions Revolt Against Him
Here's a video featuring several of Super Mario's enemies complaining about the silly rules imposed on them by Bowser. It explains they weird ways they all move in a really funny way. Give it a look. Thanks to Bryan for the link.
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
8bit peoples
The 8bitpeoples first came together as a collective of artists sharing a common love for classic video games and an approach to music which reflected this obsession. If you check out the Discography page under Production you'll find tons of free online released albums from 8bit producing artists. Some of it is pretty amazing.
Monday, August 04, 2008
Large Hadron Collider
Here are some pictures of the Large Hadron Collider. It's a particle acceleraters 17 miles around that could create particles we've never seen before, or even little tiny black holes. That seems pretty cool. I don't understand how particle accelerators work, but I do know that there are a lot of magnets involved. Magnets you can see here. SCIENCE!!
Friday, August 01, 2008
Drawn By Pain
Drawn By Pain is a web series that starts focused on a young girl with an abusive father-figure and a penchant for sketching the same anime-styled girl over and over. One day, her drawings come to life and start taking care of her problems, with extreme prejudice. Then she grows up, and she's still got that power, but is she using it wisely? There's a lot of animation done over live action stuff, and to good effect. It's got some high production value and some intriguing concepts. Check it out.