People write in questions and the Ninja answers. Even though the internet is rife with ninja cliche, the creator of this video podcast keeps things fresh and funny. Watch the embedded videos or subscribe to his cast.
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Ask a Ninja
Monday, January 30, 2006
Super Secret Dance Society. Agent and Agent, pictured here, are devoted to spreading joy through public dancing. Be sure to check out their video Mission 1.1.1, which combines dancing on streets and subways with funky beats! It makes we want to jump up, jump up, and get down.
Friday, January 27, 2006
Narnia Rap Battle
A couple of west coasters have challenged Sandberg and Parnell on their Narnia Rapping Skills. Color Me Mine gets a big plug in this cool clip. This is a challenge to the original rappers, and what's more, they offer to host any challenges other people want to submit. Thanks to Jason for the heads up on this.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Kevin Federline Popozao Video.
Here's a video of K-Fed rocking out to his new Brazillian dance track Popozao. Watching this reminds of a simpler time, when Vanilla Ice had just gotten popular and thought he was the hottest thing going. What a tool!
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
BlueSfear Worm
The "artworm" at this site is billed as the longest page on the internet, horizontally speaking. Every so often someone adds more. All they have to do is wait their turn and make sure their image matches the one before it so it looks like one long image.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
The Monster Engine
Artist Dave Devries takes childrens drawings and paints them realistically. A lot of imagination here.
Monday, January 23, 2006
Tickets: Deep South - Teasers
I point to a lot of content on this site, but I have rarely linked to something of my own creation. I'm happy to announce that Tickets: Deep South, a short film by yours truly and friends, has just entered post-production. As such, there are now a couple of teaser trailers available on the official site, which is currently also barely started. Look for updates to the site's look and content, and for now watch our trailers. It should be noted that this is a spin-off project derived the Tickets: The Movie, which was a previous awesome link.
Friday, January 20, 2006
Fema Rap for Kidz
Check out this site for a rap targeted toward children about disaster preparedness. This is quite possibly the worst rap I've ever heard. Even worse than that clip of K-fed's album that was circulating the internet late last year. It's so bad. So bad it's awesome.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Digitally shot feature film made for around $9,200, and that's including the cost of the camera and the computer it was edited on, I believe. AMAZING! The film is going to this years Sundance, so only the trailer is available, but damn if this doesn't look great! What could possibly make this even cooler? Oh yeah. It's about Vampires.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Big Red Button
There's a button and a message. It says not to press the button. When you do press the button the message changes. Every time you press the button. This goes on for a really long time. There's also hints of another, hidden button, but I didn't have the patience to look for it.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Song Tapper
Find a song by tapping the melody. You don't need to know any words, just kind of how the song goes. It was hit and miss when I tried it, but I was successfully able to get it to recognize We are the Champions, by Queen as well as Black Sabbath's Iron Man. Doesn't have every song, and it's a bit slow, but it's cool!
Monday, January 16, 2006
One Red Paper Clip
The story of one man's quest to trade things for better value. He started out with a red paper clip, which he traded for a pen, which he traded for a doorknob, and so on. Right now he's up to a panel truck. His eventual goal is to be able to trade for a house. Thanks, Dave, for the heads up.
Friday, January 13, 2006
Detonation Films
On this site there's a lot of resources for ultra low budget film makers who are really into explosions. You can check out the films made by this crew (I believe the kids outnumber the adults). They're at least on the level of your average episode of Power Rangers, which is impressive considering they're made in backyards and basements and such.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
The 1 Second Film
There's a film project underway looking for producers. The plan is for it to be one second long with and estimated 90 mins of credits, making of documentaries, etc. For as little as a dollar you can get your name in its credits, and into the IMDB. If you've been looking for your big break into, hollywood, this probably isn't it, but it's still a cool idea.
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
The 118118 Experience
This is a series of advertisements for British Directory Assistance, although it's pretty hard to figure that out from watching them. It features two men as mustached as they are emaciated talking about training, motivation, and focus. One of the clips is a very funny send up for the Honda Cog ad I linked to a few days ago. Thanks Dave for sending me this link.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Monday, January 09, 2006
Lots of times American A-listers nip over to Japan to make loads of money on advertising the American public will never be exposed to. Until now. Michael Jackson, Brad Pitt, Arnold Schwarzenegger and many more are featured on this site selling Japanese things to Japanese people.
Friday, January 06, 2006
The Lonely Island
Comedy group originally from California and now living in New York. They make videos and songs and are generally funny. You'll recognize one of the faces from the Chronicles of Narnia Rap that I posted a few days ago, which they are also responsible for. Be sure to check out Awesometown, their FOX pilot.
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny
Song and accompanying flash animation in which famous figures battle it out. Contenders include Godzilla, Shaq, Aaron Carter, Batman, Optimus Prime, Indiana Jones, and Abraham Lincoln, to name a few. There are many more, and a couple surprises. Thanks to Chris for the heads up on this one.
Note: To watch this video full screen, go here:
Full screen may not run well on slower computers.
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Muffin Films
Flash movies about muffins. At first I thought this was just cutesy stuff with no real entertainment value, but after watching a few, I noticed that a few of them are a little bit dark. Muffins and Death? Interesting combo. Thanks to Gary for the link.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Insane Christmas Lights
Check out this video of an amazing light display set to music. I saw this on a commercial a while back, but I can't remember what for. Here is the full 3 minute version. According to the site, this video was shot in real time, and not trick photography.
Monday, January 02, 2006
PhoneNotify Web Service
On this site, you enter a US or Canadian phone number and a string of text. The service then calls the number and uses some text-to-speech app to read the text aloud in a robot-like voice. It's free right now.
P.S. Happy New Year, Suckas!