Here's a really cool flash toy. No purpose past just looking cool and being mildly interactive, I believe. Doesn't stop it from being really cool.
Friday, December 29, 2006
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Slow motion high FPS compilation
This is a very cool compliation of things happening in extremely slow motion. Water balloons explode, things get shot with bullets and people get slapped in the face. Very cool.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
How to Enjoy Sushi
It's a comprehensive discussion of how to eat Sushi. It's also hilariously facetious. Don't take it seriously, but watch it and laugh. Thanks to Zensho, for the link.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Cute with Chris
This is another video podcast in which Chris talks about cute things. These mostly come in the forms of pets dressed in different costumes and animals in need of rescue from the shelter. Though the show seems like it would be limited to one joke, Chris finds new and inventive ways to show the critters, and sometimes a few people.
Monday, December 25, 2006
Merry Christmas Triplepost
So I've decided to line up a triple shot of Christmas happiness for the holiday. First, something special from me: A Christmas card I illustrated personally. And yes, the joke on the t-shirt is a barely-changed version of something funny I saw in a Jhonen Vasquez comic. Hope that's not a problem for you. (No lawsuits, please, as I don't have any money).
Christmas Card
Secondly, some people don't have the money to put up a traditional Christmas tree. Others feel that while it's nice and all to have a regular tree, Christmas is a good opportunity to make something new. Here are some good do-it-yourself Christmas "trees."
DIY Christmas Tree Photos
And Finally, one of the best Christmas stories ever told. I read this aloud to some friends last year and couldn't get all the way through it because I was crying too hard. Crying with laughter! The author is, of course, the esteemed Martin Sargent.
Beth and the Christmas Quilts
Friday, December 22, 2006
You Don't Know Jack
One of my favorite party games every came in the 90's in the form of You Don't Know Jack!. I spent many, many hours laughing and playing those games alongside my childhood friends. This is one of the few games where I saw it and then immediately went out to buy my own copy of every single edition out at the time. Now they're back with a web game. Play 'Dis or Dat' on the site. The Flash does a great job of emulating the old look and feel of the game.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Busy Airport
This is a great composite picture of airplanes taking off from an airport. It's from some sort of fine art show. There's more details on the site, but I just like the picture.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Stuff on my Cat
This one isn't especially new, but it's great. The title is Stuff on my Cat. That's pretty self-explanitory. If you still need more incentive, the tagline is "Stuff + Cats = Awesome". There's really no more I can say except that it's driven by user uploads. Lots of people love putting stuff on their cats. Special thanks to the Honorable Reverend Juice for this link.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Exploding Dog
If you send this guy a title, he will make a drawing based on it. It's mostly stick figures, and really nice colors. Also, his ideas are very creative. I really enjoy checking out his updates. Sometimes he also does drawings by mail and if you catch him at the right time with a self-addressed stamped envelope he might send you a hard copy of a drawing.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Liberated Films
This is a site that is dedicated to putting independent films on the internet for us to watch for free. The vids are small and in flash players, but it's still good. There are preroll ads but they're short.
Friday, December 15, 2006
Dolph: Operation Thule
This one is a German flash game in which you play a hippo with a club. You hit seals with it. Sometimes you hit Eskimos. Also, the game yells at you in German. Not really sure what it's saying, but I know that it's awesome!
Thursday, December 14, 2006
This is billed as the worlds longest doodle. Anyone can add a bit to the end of it. Right now it 10461 contributions, making it super long. It's kind of a limited drawing tool, so it's fun to see what some people are doing with it. Of course, since anyone can draw, there are a lot of penises thrown into the mix.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Here's a cute winter themed flash game. Use bells to shoot a rabbit high into the winter evening. It doesn't make much sense when it's said that way, but you'll see what's going on when you go. Very peaceful, this one.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Ebola Monkey Man
This is a guy who's hobby is pissing off Nigerian email scammers. He keeps running accounts of his interactions. He gets them to use silly code names, take pictures of themselves and basically strings them along for as long as he can. Worth a look.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Sam Has 7 Friends
I'm back. After a week of taking a break from the modern marvel that is internet time wasting, I'm refreshed and ready to kick out some fresh new links. The first is Sam Has 7 Friends. This is a daily video podcast about the fictional Samantha Breslow. It's building toward her murder. Since this fact is advertised right up front on the website, the fun is in trying to figure out which of her friends will be the one that does it. And the term "friend" is used kind of loosely. Maybe it should be called Sam Has 7 Acquaintances Who Treat Her With Varying Degrees of Hostility. Not as catchy, that one. Check it out.
Friday, December 01, 2006
HA HA Funny Picutres
This is a site that dynamically generates the old print of the laughing quaker to say the message of your choice. Of course, this has been done for a while on different forums by people with image editing programs, but now all you have to do is enter in your phrase and the image will appear for you. Check out this one, I made: Will's Laughing Man.