Friday, June 13, 2008


It's a community of geeks who share news and opinions about movies, comics, television, video games, and all things nerdy. It was started by Jonathan London, who also hosts the Geekscape podcast every week, a review show dealing with the same topics I just mentioned. This week, I had the privilege of being the co-host. Here is the show we did:

Reviews: "Kung Fu Panda", "The Strangers", "Sex and the City" and "Zohan" News: Dicaprio goes for Atari! Transformers 2: Revenge of the horrible sequel names! Comics: Astonishing X-Men Annual! 1985! Final Crisis! Video Games: Metal Gear 4 is coming! Jonathan gets a God of War PSP! PLUS! Movies you watched while hostage on a plane!"
Also, the forums are excellent, and you can find me on there as willk.

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