Thursday, June 05, 2008


So the Gadsby link I posted today got me thinking. I love contests, and I love being a dick about making terrible rules for contests. That said, what I want is readers to submit a 10 word sentence without the usage of the letter "e" (please include correct grammar, subject, and all that book-learned English stuff). You can submit as many as you want, and the best one will be determined by a prestigious think tank group of lipograms experts. (Trust me, I know a guy who knows a guy.)

The Prize
: a choice of any of my limited edition digital prints mailed to you on 13'x19' top quality watercolor paper. Winner will be emailed jpegs of prints to choose from. Free art: can't beat that can you?

The contest run through Friday, June 13th. Submit your entries by commenting on this post or by sending an email to


Elora Moss said...

1. I am sorry I forgot about Ridiculous Film Night this past Thursday.

2. What can I say I'm still soaking in Surf Ninjas.


Zensho! said...

This blog is fantastic and run by badass animators.

Anonymous said...

1)This portal summons gay passion to my optical organs daily.

2) Using a dictionary to sub words is unsound and foppish.


Bills said...

1.) You can win if you start with smart linguistic arts.

2.) William is a man of discrimination- Surf Ninjas is fantastic!


Mickey said...

world domination starts with killing off all rabbits and frogs.

what can brown do for you that black can't do?

why is that guy bringing pizza along with the mail?

I had onions and a tomato with my bologna sandwich.

Madrid is warm, London is not, and Bangkok fucking rocks!

I must sing you a song that is not long.